You will need a valid identification card and insurance card, a list of your current medications, and recent medical records. Medical records should include office notes, imaging (a CD with images AND a copy of the report), operative reports, and any additional medical documentation related to your complaints.
No. We specialize in the treatment of pain management for adults over the age of 18.
Opioid drugs have caused a significant health and economic crisis in the United States. These overdoses were caused by illegal opioid drugs like heroin, illicitly manufactured synthetic opioids like fentanyl, and prescription narcotics. For individuals experiencing severe chronic pain, the idea of taking such an addictive medication to control pain is concerning. Fear of addiction is among many patients’ most significant concerns when seeking treatment. When taken correctly, prescription opioid medications can be an effective method for relieving chronic pain. However, there is a wide range of pain management options that don’t involve prescription opioids. It’s essential to understand your own risk factors for opioid addiction and to speak with your pain management specialist to find treatments you’re comfortable with. Some of the critical risk factors for opioid addiction include: • Having a lower annual income • Taking a higher daily dosage of an opioid painkiller • Having a history of mental illness • Having a history of drug or alcohol abuse or dependency
We proudly specialize in several minimally invasive pain treatment procedures, treating various illnesses, injuries, and conditions. Your treatment options will vary depending on the nature and severity of your pain.
Yes, if we are in-network with your carrier. We require authorization from your adjuster after receiving a referral from the Treating Physician listed on your claim and appropriate medical records. Please notify our staff when scheduling that your complaint is due to a work-related incident.
Yes. Please call our office for details at 956-631-9041.